Management Team

In the Beginning
In the summer of 1990, a young and vibrant Rhett Thompson came to the Toronto, Canada from the island of Nassau Bahamas and began his studies at DeVry Institute of Technology. Rhett always had an entrepreneurial background which was inspired by his father. Rhett starts his career by working with is fathers business Intelligent Data Machines it was here where the interest of computers and technology inspired Rhett. Rhett is strong believer in helping and giving back to the community, he has volunteered for the Bahamian and Canadian Red Cross.
During his studies Rhett volunteered for computer stores and help many people with computer related issues and questions, always eager to learn and adapt Rhett came well-prepared for Toronto, Canada, displaying his charming and well-mannered island- style ways of good old-fashioned home-training. He became instantly respected and admired, by his employees, employer & clients alike - which soon led to the discovery of a new career path.
Technology Intervention
Rhett Thompson started several companies ranging from consulting, some of the clients were Telecommunications, Banking, Government, Oil and Gas, Retail just to name a few. Rhett Thompson has developed and created many different architectures ranging from security, mobile communications, and networking. Rhett Thompson also has a broad understanding new technology trends and software development. He is certified in many areas and has a broad background in the industry. At each opportunity, he proved & succeeded in providing care, concern – deliverance of the Technology products to each client.
Paula Strachan Executive Assistant
In 1979, a young, vibrant and very intelligent high school graduate was hired to work as a full-time assistant for Curtis Thompson Real Estate then located on Elizabeth Avenue.
After over 30 years of dedication to the companies, ABR Realtors, Intelligent Data Machines, Laureno Investments & Curtis Thompson Real Estate, Paula Strachan remains committed.
She has indeed become an asset to this family-oriented group of companies and has proven to become a ‘life support system’ in many facets.
Where can you find an individual that is ready to give more than 30 years of professionalism and portray a demeanor that is ever so patient, punctual, efficient, and courteous?